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3 Types of Meditation Practice.

Nearly 10% of American’s have a daily meditation practice. Given the benefits meditation, those numbers are expected to continue to grow — especially in the workplace

But finding the right type of mediation —especially if you’ve never tried it — can take a little patience. Here are 3 types of meditations to help you start exploring your options.

1. Breathing Meditation.

A great place to start a meditation practice is with a breath-based meditation. Find a quiet space to sit, stand or, lay-down.  Then literally spend 1+ minutes being aware of the sensation of your breath as you inhale and exhale. You can keep your eyes open with a soft gaze about 3 feet in front of you or, if you feel comfortable, close them.

Staying focused and aware is harder than it sounds. When you find your mind wandering, which you will, gently bring your attention back to your breath. 

The best part about this type of mediation is you can practice anywhere. Including: in your car, in-line at the grocery store, or even during a stressful meeting at work.

2. Moving Meditation.

I love moving mediations. They’re a fantastic way for a restless person to start building space for the benefits of meditation. The trick is to occupy the brain with some sort of activity, but be fully aware of all the sensations in your body as you do the activity. 

For example, if you choose to walk during your moving meditation, you might focus on the specific feeling of your feet as they touch the ground. You might notice the feeling of the wind on your face or the smell of the water in the creek. So that means, no thinking about dinner, what your co-worker “really” meant by a passing comment, or creating mental checklists of what needs to be done tomorrow. 

Instead immerse yourself in the moment. When you find yourself thinking other things, gently bring your focus back to the sensation of your feet as they touch the ground. 

You could also try a few mindful stretches, or even a restorative yoga practice. 

3. Nature Meditation.

Another great option for a new (or advanced!) meditator is a nature meditation. Basically, you’ll sit in or near some element of nature and study the experience of being in that moment with nature — sight, sound, touch, smell (and maybe even taste — think wild blueberry bushes!). Start with 1 minutes and build from there.

Finally, don’t worry about being “good” at meditation. It’s a practice and a your own personal journey. The important part is to do it and leave your own judgments of being “good” or “bad” behind. 

You may not notice the effect of your practice immediately (or you might!),  but overtime

your meditation practice will help to you to calm inner chatter, reconnect your mind and body, and literally re-wire the brain so you can choose to respond instead of react in stressful situations.

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